As my first post I thought it would be fitting to document the steps needed to pry some additional privelages from GoDaddies vice grip, enough to get rsync working atleast.
While it is simple enough to spin up a droplet on Digital Ocean, or to actually make use of the ‘generator’ part of ‘static site generator’, to upload the built site through Cpanel or SSH.
However I decided this is the perfect oportunity to learn to use rsync along with making use of a spare hosting package I had floating around on godaddy.
The Goals:
- Login handled by SSH
- Be able to deploy the hugo site using rsync
- Never need to touch Cpanel again
The Basics:
Connecting To Your Server Via SSH
ssh username@ipadress
Setting up rsync
Unfortunatly (and unsurprisingly) you don’t have access to sudo from a shared hosting account.Not to worry though, we have access to wget/curl so while we don’t have acceess to the ubuntu Aptitude package manager we can use the above mentioned binaries to directly download and install rsync that way.
I recomend making a folder to download any binaries you would like to install, in this instance I use ‘.bin’
# Make your folder
mkdir ~/.bin
#And Move Into it
cd .bin
#Download the binary
gunzip rsync.gz
# And make it executable
chmod +x rsync
Now you need to add the bin folder to your path
cd ~/
echo '#!/bin/bash'>~/.bash_profile
echo 'PATH="$HOME/.bin:$PATH"'>>~/.bash_profile
chmod +x ~/.bash_profile
The above block of code just adds the custom folder to your path on your next login.
Sync Script
The next thing to do is write a quick bash script to automate thelong rsync command you need to run to get your files onto the server.
~/bin/rsync -viPprtl --stats \
#path to rsync on your server
--rsync-path /var/chroot/home/content/12/3456789/.bin/rsync \
-e ssh /path/to/local/files/public/* \
This is the script you will run on your local machine, put it somewhere you can find it -such as your hugo project root- or somewhere already on your path.
Just remember to make it executable by:
chmod +x
Building your Hugo Site
Okay so this should be the easy part…. right?
It is, but I had one last problem pop up when I tried building my site I had a few errors relating to using SCSS/SASS in place of CSS.
After a few minutes of google-fu I found the way to resolve the issue wasy to install the extended version of hugo, as I’m currently on ubuntu and had installed hugo via snap it was an easy fix.
sudo snap refresh hugo --channel=extended
It was then as simple as running the rsync script we wrote earlier and Viola!